More Coaching. Less Headache.

We put youth sports dues and fees on autopilot, so you can get back to the game.


Tired of Chasing Dues and Fees?

We're guessing you didn't get into youth sports to spend your days being a bill collector.

Tools Galore
Frustrated with trying to track  payments across multiple tools and apps?
Wrestling Spreadsheets
Tired of manually updating spreadsheets?
Endless Followup
Wish you could stop sending awkward texts and emails to parents?

Meet Duesy

Dues & Fees Simplified.

We've combined parts of Quickbooks, Venmo and Excel into one easy-to-use platform built for youth sports.

Text-led because everyone texts.

Real-time reporting so you never have to wonder who hasn’t paid for the tournament again.

Fewer tools so you spend less time piecing together payments in spreadsheets.


It's 3 Easy Steps

Never before has it been so easy for you to collect and manage dues and fees.

Register Player(s)
Parent registers player(s) via text and securely puts their preferred payment method on file.
Coach Adds Product(s)
Coach adds applicable dues and fees to the player(s) profile.
Payment(s) Processed
Parent is notified via text of scheduled charges and they're automatically processed as scheduled.
Parents can text in a payment and our AI-powered coach assistant will take the conversation from there.
Tracking & Reporting
The payment is processed and tied to the players profile so you can quickly see all their payments in one place.
One Tool for All Payments
No more invoices. No more checks. No more frozen payment app accounts.

But Wait...There's More

Parents can initiate payments too.

What about all those ad hoc fees that pop-up throughout the season for tournaments, uniforms, travel, lessons and more?

We've got those covered too.

Parents can text in a payment and our AI-powered coach assistant will take the conversation from there.
Tracking & Reporting
The payment is processed and tied to the players profile so you can quickly see all their payments in one place.
One Tool for All Payments
No more invoices. No more checks. No more frozen payment app accounts.

The Coach Portal

Everything payments in one place.

Quickly and easily see how much has been processed this month, who is past due, forecast revenue for future months, reconcile your deposits, and much more.

All in real-time. Anytime, anywhere.



A Simple Solution for a Big Problem

Your club and/or team will immediately feel a difference.

Reduced Receivables
Keep your club and/or team financially healthy by reducing receivables.
Improved Cash Flow
Payments are deposited directly into your bank account so you can quickly access your funds.
Real-time Reporting
No more waiting on reports to run. All our reporting is in real-time.
Less time chasing $
You didn't become a coach to be a bill collector. Let's get you back to the game.
No App to Download
We lead with text because everyone texts. The last thing anyone want is another app to download.
Happy Parents
Parents' expectations have grown. Give them a modern experience they love.

Meet the Founder

Hi. I'm Tony.

Husband + Dad + Entrepeneur
My family lives at the baseball field, basketball court, and soccer complex. I know first-hand how complicated dues and fees have become in youth sports.
I'm also an entrepreneur. I've been building mobile-first products and companies for 20+ years.
The fact that these two parts of my life have collided is a gift that I don't take lightly.
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